Thinking about an adventure in 2026? Why not join us at Olave 26, a week long camp in the Sussex countryside for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts aged 10-18 and their group leaders.
[Take a look at our videos to find out what it is like at Olave!] You can also download our flyer to share with your groups.
The cost for participants is £500, which includes a full programme of daytime and evening activities, fully catered meals and a camp hoodie, necker and badge.
For volunteers it is £250, which includes fully catered meals and a camp necker and badge.
If you want to find out more or to tell us you’re interested in joining us at Olave 26, complete and return this form. Or you can email us at guests@olave.org.uk
When you are ready to book, please complete and return the group booking form and deposit.
The deadline for applications is 31 December 2025.